I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • Ukubuka konke komkhiqizo

  • Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

  • Ukulanda idatha

  • Imikhiqizo ehlobene

I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla
  • I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz Zinc oxide Isihloko Somandla

I-Hywz Ac Systen Frequency 50 / 60hz zinc onide ver ...

Umgcini we-Zine Oxide ongumvikeli ophambili kakhulu emhlabeni, ngenxa yokwenza i-risistordisc of componetmainy yamukele umqulu we-zine carbide acreberthics we-arproduct discrists ye-assistructis-ampere activation of aspor-ampere I-Arad-ilychangesforthe izici zababhalisile.

Xhumana nathi

Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

● AbakwaZine Oxide Certer nguMvikeli we-voltage athuthuke kakhulu emhlabeni; ngenxa yokwenza i-risistor disc yeqembu elijwayelekile Ama-Arad-ilychanges wezimpawu zababhalisile.
● Ngaphansi kwesimo se-voltage ejwayelekile yokusebenza, okukhona njengamanje nge-thwebula degree, lapho kumiswe kahle izici ezingekho emthethweni, kanti umbhali zizokwengeza amandla aphezulu, ngenkathi umbhali azokwengeza amandla aphezulu aze akwazi ukuvikela izinsiza ezingama-powertransies ezibangelwa i-demoge edonswayo.

Izimo zokusebenza

1. Amazinga okushisa okushisa akhona awekho aphakeme kune + 40 ℃, akukho ngaphansi kwe-40 ℃;


3. Imvamisa ye-AC Systen ngu-50hz noma nge-60hz;

I-4. I-Power Frequency Voltage esetshenziswe kumbhali isikhathi eside awedluli amavolushi aqhubekayo okusebenza kombhali;

I-5. Isivinini somoya esiphezulu asidluli ama-35m / s;

6. Ukuqina kokuzamazama komhlaba akudluli amadigri ayi-7;

7. Indawo engcolile kufanele inikezwe inkomba ecacile.


I-zinc oxide oxide isetshenziswa ukuvikela okufekatha kukagesi ngohlelo lwamandla we-AC ngokumelene nomonakalo umphumela ovela ku-Atmosperes ngaphezulu-voltage.

Ukusebenza kwezobuchwepheshe

Ukusebenza kwezobuchwepheshe komkhiqizo kufakazela ku-GB11032-2000, IEC60099-4, ieee.c6.11 Izidingo Zobuchwepheshe Ezijwayelekile.

UHywz Serese Storer


Idatha yezobuchwepheshe

Ukuthayipha Uhlelo lukalwe
amandla kagesi
UCick ulinganiselwe
amandla kagesi
Amandla kagesi
amandla kagesi
I-Impulse desidual
amandla kagesi
Wave stemp
I-Impulse desidual
amandla kagesi
2ms Square
I-Wave Impulse
melana na-
Hyws -3.8 / 17 3 3.8 2.4 7.5 17 19.6 100
Hyws -7.6 / 30 6 7.6 4 15 30 34.5 100
Hyws -12.7 / 50 10 12.7 6.6 26 50 57.5 I-150
Hyws17 / 50 10 17 13.6 26.5 50 57.5 I-150
Hywz-7.6 / 27 6 7.6 4 14.5 27 31 -Mashumi
Hywz-12.7 / 45 10 12.7 6.6 24 45 51.8 -Mashumi
Hywz-17/45 10 17 12.7 24 45 51.8 -Mashumi
Hywz-42/134 35 52 40.8 78 135 154 400
Hy2.5wd-7.6 / 19 605 7.6 4.8 11.5 19 21.9 200, 400
Hy2.5wd-12.7 / 31 10.5 12.7 6.6 19 31 35.7 200, 400
Hy2.5wd-16.7 / 40 13.8 16.7 9 25 40 46 400
Hy2.5wd-19/45 15.7 19 10 28.5 45 51.8 400
Hy5w-7.6 / 27 6 7.6 4.8 13.8 27 20.8 400
Hy5wr-12.7 / 45 10 12.7 6.6 23 45 35 400
Hy5wr-42/134 35 52 23.4 73 135 105 400


Thatha ama-hy5ws-17/50 njengesibonelo: ijazi elihlanganisiwe le-H-computer ezintweni eziphilayo; y-tirels ongide umlobi oboshelwe umlondo oboshelwe; 5-uphawu lubiza ukuvula

ugesi ugesi wamanje (KV); w-thew asho ukungabi nezindlela ze-clefthe c njengokusungula i-cleft; S-the s isho ukuhambisana

ngogesi; Z imicibisholo kagesi; D Uhlobo Lwamagesi kagesi; R uhlobo lukagesi kagesi 17-ukugwema ukushukumisa imvunulo kuxazululwa amandla kagesi (KV) 50-

Umaki ubiza ukuvula ugesi kagesi ongezansi cindezela ongezansi (KV).

Bhala umyalezo wakho lapha bese usithumela kithi

Imikhiqizo ehlobene