I-jszw3-3,6,10 Voltage Transformer
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I-jszw3-3,6,10 Voltage Transformer
  • I-jszw3-3,6,10 Voltage Transformer
  • I-jszw3-3,6,10 Voltage Transformer

I-jszw3-3,6,10 Voltage Transformer

Idatha yezobuchwepheshe
1. Isimele: GB1207-2006 Voltagetranformer
2.Technical Parameterform
3.I-creeple of proct surface sucking Ibanga Ll Oppolution.
4.Tother Parrameter Pheelhereters to TallBelow

Xhumana nathi

Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

Jszw3-3,6, 10 ebiyelwe ama-voltage volformer amathathu

Le modeli ye-voltage transformer inguhlobo lwe-semi-casting, ngosayizi omncane nokuguquguquka kwesimo sezulu okuhle. I-Iron-Core of the

I-Transformer isebenza ngohlobo lwesakhiwo sensimbi eseceleni, futhi yenziwe nge-silticon yensimbi yensimbi ephakeme yokugibela nokudalula umoya, izigaba ezintathu ezifudumele kanye ne-terminal I-wiring sicela ukubhekisa ku-Diagram 1.

Inezinhlobo ezimbili: thayipha u-a nohlobo b ngokusho kokufakelwa, thayipha ifakwe ohlangothini bese kuthi umgodi wokufaka isembozweni sabo, uhlobo b lunesisekelo sokufakwa.



Idatha yezobuchwepheshe

1. Okujwayelekile: GB1207-2006 Voltage Transformer
2. Ifomu le-PARAMeter PARAmeter
3. I-creeplage yendawo yomkhiqizo ihambisana neBanga i-II yokungcoliswa.
4. Enye i-parameter yezobuchwepheshe sicela ubhekisele kuthebula elingezansi:

Ukuthayipha Isilinganiso se-voltage ratio (v) Ukuqonda nqo
Inhlanganisela yeklasi
Ukukhishwa okulinganiselwe (VA) -Sekugcineni
okuphumayo (VA)
I-Voltage Voltage I-Test (KV)
0.2 0.5 1 3 6 -Ngulalelayo
amandla kagesi
melana ne
Amandla kagesi
melana ne
Imvamisa ye
Jszw3-3 I-3000 / √3 / 100 / √3 / 100/3 90 I-150 300 75 I-600 18 2
Jszw3-6 I-6000 / √3 / 100 / √3 / 100/3 1 / 6p I-150 I-240 I-600 100 1000 23 2
Jszw3-10 I-10000 / √3 / 100 / √3 / 100/3 3 / 6P I-150 I-240 I-600 100 1000 32 2

Ubukhulu obuphakeme futhi obukhuphukayo (mm)







Bhala umyalezo wakho lapha bese usithumela kithi

Imikhiqizo ehlobene