Ycm8t / a, rt thermomagnetic lungisa i-MCCB
Ycm8t / a, rt thermomagnetic lungisa i-MCCB
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Ycm8t / a, rt thermomagnetic lungisa i-MCCB
  • Ycm8t / a, rt thermomagnetic lungisa i-MCCB
  • Ycm8t / a, rt thermomagnetic lungisa i-MCCB
  • Ycm8t / a, rt thermomagnetic lungisa i-MCCB
  • Ycm8t / a, rt thermomagnetic lungisa i-MCCB
  • Ycm8t / a, rt thermomagnetic lungisa i-MCCB
  • Ycm8t / a, rt thermomagnetic lungisa i-MCCB
  • Ycm8t / a, rt thermomagnetic lungisa i-MCCB
  • Ycm8t / a, rt thermomagnetic lungisa i-MCCB

Ycm8t / a, rt thermomagnetic lungisa i-MCCB

Ycm8t / a, rt thermomagnetic lungisa i-MCCB

Qhagamshelana nathi

Iinkcukacha zemveliso

Imodeli ye-3D ephendulayo
_ _2024042728233
Uhlobo Uhlobo olunokulungiswa Isakhelo se-INM Ukuqhekeza i-ICU / I-ICS (ka)
Ycm8 RT I-160 H
I-Worker-Caker-Caker Breaker (MCCB) RT: I-5 + isekethe emfutshane I-160, 250, 400, 630, 800 S h
T / A: Ukulayisha ngaphezulu Phawula: 160 25/18 35/25
I-160 yesakhelo esiphuculweyo 100, 225 25/18 35/25
225 yindawo ephuculweyo ye-250 isakhelo, I-400 35/25 50/35
I-630 yesakhelo esiphuculweyo se-400 I-630 35/25 50/35
I-800 - 50/35
Ukusebenza Izibonda Imowudi yokuhamba kunye ne-Inner Ikalwe okwangoku (a)
Z 3 I-300 I-160
I-DC1, DC2, DC3 I-3: izibonda ezintathu Inombolo yokuqala imele uhlobo lokukhupha 125: 20-25, 25-32, 32-40, 40-50, 50-80, 80-100, 125-160
P: Umsebenzi wombane I-4: Izibonda ezine I-2: ikhuphe i-vetitaneneneney kuphela I-250: 100-125, 125-160, 160-200, 200-250
Z: Isibakala sokujikeleza I-3: ukukhutshwa okuntsonkothileyo I-400: 2000, 250-30, 320-400
W: Umsebenzi ngqo Phawula: I-630: 400-500, 500-630
① Umsebenzi we-DC3 Emva kwexesha amanani amabini yikhowudi yezixhobo (jonga itafile ye-winsery) 800: 400-500, 500-630, 830-800,1250,1250
Isicelo Inketho ye-4P MCCB Voltage
2 A Q1
1: Ukuhanjiswa kwamandla A: I-N-Pole ngaphandle koKhuseleko, ayinakukhwela okanye ivuliwe Phantsi kwe-voltage Ukukhutshwa kwe-shint I-alarm encedisayo
2: Ukhuseleko lwemoto B: I-N-Pole ngaphandle koKhuseleko, inokuvala kwaye ivule I-Q1: AC220V F1: AC220V I-J1: AC125V
C: n-pole kunye nokukhusela, kunokuvala kwaye uvule I-Q2: AC240V F2: AC380V I-J2: AC250V
D: N-Pole kunye nokukhusela, akunakusivala okanye ukuvula Q3: AC380V F3: DC110V I-J3: DC125V
I-Q4: AC415V F4: DC24V I-J4: DC24V
I-voltage eqhutywa ngemoto Uqhagamshelo Ngeplate yoqhagamshelo okanye hayi
D1 Q 2
Isebenza ngombane H: IBhodi engasemva 2: Ewe
D5: AC230V C: I-plug-in
I-D6: AC110V
I-D7: DC220V
I-D8: DC110V
I-D9: AC110-240V
I-D10: DC100-20V
Uhlobo Ycm8t-160s ycm8t / a-160s Ycm8rt-160h ycm8t / a-160h Ycm8rt-250s ycm8t / i-250s I-CM8RT-250h ycm8rt-250h
Isakhelo sangoku (A) I-160 I-250
Inombolo ye-Pole I-3,4 I-3,4
Ikalwe okwangoku (a) 20-25,22-32,32-40,50,50-63-80,80-100-100,100-125 ,,15-160 I-100-125,125-160,160,200-250,20050
I-voltage ye-v) I-AC400V I-AC400V
I-Volting Inser Poltage (v) I-AC1000V I-AC1000V
Ukuqhekeka kwisekethe emfutshane yesekethe (Ka) I-ICU / I-IC I-AC400V 25/18 35/25 25/18 35/25
Amaxesha ePakethi eSebenzayo Ihlawuliswe I-3000 I-3000
Ayibekwanga tyala I-7000 I-7000
Ubukhulu (mm) abc-ca 3P I-90-155-68-90 I-105-165-68-92
4P I-120-155-68-90 I-140-165-68-92
Ubunzima (kg) 3P 1.0 1.0 1.5
4P 1.1 1.4 1.9
Isixhobo sokusebenza kombane (MD)
Isiphatho sokuqhuba sangaphandle
Ukukhutshwa ngokuzenzekelayo Uhlobo lwe-elermal electromagnetic Uhlobo lwe-elermal electromagnetic
Uhlobo Ycm8rt-400s ycm8t / A-400s Ycm8rt-400h ycm8t / A-400h Ycm8rt-630s ycm8t / a-630s Ycm8rt-630h ycm8t / A-630h Ycm8t-800h ycm8t / A-800h Ycm8rt-1250h ycm8t / a-1250h
Isakhelo sangoku (A) I-400 I-630 I-800 I-1250
Inombolo ye-Pole I-3,4 I-3,4 I-3,4 I-3,4
Ikalwe okwangoku (a) 2000-250, 250-30, 320-400 I-400-500, 500-630 I-400-500, 500-630,630-800 I-800-1000,1000-1250
I-voltage ye-v) I-AC400V I-AC400V I-AC400V
I-Volting Inser Poltage (v) I-AC1000V I-AC1000V I-AC1000V
Ukuqhekeka kwisekethe emfutshane yesekethe (Ka) I-ICU / I-IC I-AC400V 35/25 I-50/35 35/25 I-50/35 I-50/35
Amaxesha ePakethi eSebenzayo Ihlawuliswe 2000 2000 I-1500
Ayibekwanga tyala I-4000 I-4000 I-4000
Ubukhulu (mm) abc-ca 3P I-140-257-103-155 I-140-257-103-155 210-2755-103-155
4P 185-257-103-155 185-257-103-155 280-2755-103-155
3P 5.5 5.7 9.5
Ubunzima (kg) 4P 7 7.5 12.5
Isixhobo sokusebenza kombane (MD)
Isiphatho sokuqhuba sangaphandle
Ukukhutshwa ngokuzenzekelayo Uhlobo lwe-elermal electromagnetic Uhlobo lwe-elermal electromagnetic Uhlobo lwe-elermal electromagnetic

Inkcazo-yeMveliso1 Inkcazo-yeMveliso2 Imveliso-Ingcaciso3

Bhala umyalezo apha kwaye uthumele kuthi

Iimveliso ezinxulumene noko

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