Lw28gs pirdok tipidagi quvvatni o'chirish tugmasi
Lw28gs pirdok tipidagi quvvatni o'chirish tugmasi
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Lw28gs pirdok tipidagi quvvatni o'chirish tugmasi
  • Lw28gs pirdok tipidagi quvvatni o'chirish tugmasi
  • Lw28gs pirdok tipidagi quvvatni o'chirish tugmasi
  • Lw28gs pirdok tipidagi quvvatni o'chirish tugmasi
  • Lw28gs pirdok tipidagi quvvatni o'chirish tugmasi
  • Lw28gs pirdok tipidagi quvvatni o'chirish tugmasi
  • Lw28gs pirdok tipidagi quvvatni o'chirish tugmasi
  • Lw28gs pirdok tipidagi quvvatni o'chirish tugmasi
  • Lw28gs pirdok tipidagi quvvatni o'chirish tugmasi

Lw28gs pirdok tipidagi quvvatni o'chirish tugmasi

Lw28gs seriyali Packl HOPE tugmasini o'chirish tugmasi LW28 Universal Forcher tugmachasini bosing. The main use to the power cut-off switch of machine tool that can be locked by a padlock, in the open position(“O” or “OFF”)and on position (“1″ or ”ON”)can be locked by a pedlock to prevent the misuse and operation control by unauthorized personnel.
Mahsulot GB14048.3-2001, IEC60947-3 ga muvofiq.

Biz bilan bog'lanish

Mahsulot tafsilotlari


20A / 04-1


32 / 04-2


125a / 04-3


160a / 04-3


Lw28gs seriyali Power HOLD Quvvatini kesish tugmachasi LW28 ning universal o'zgartirish tugmachasini bosing. The main use of a power cut-off switch to the machine tool can be locked by a padlock, in the open position("O" or "OFF")and on position ("1" or "ON")can be locked by a padlock to prevent the misuse and operation control by unauthorized personnel.
Mahsulot GB14048.3-2001, IEC60947-3 ga mos keladi.

Model spetsifikatsiyasi Lw28gs -20 Lw28gs -25 Lw28gs -32 Lw28gs -63 Lw28gs -125 Lw28gs -160
UEV operatsion kuchlanish 440 440 440 440 440 440
Baholangan issiqlik joriy a 20 25 32 63 125 160
Baholash Aka-uka 20 25 32 63 100 150
Operatsion oqim Ac-22a 20 25 32 63 100 150
Ac-23a 15 22 30 57 90 135
Boshqarish chastotasi Ac-23a 7.5 11 15 30 45 75
Operatsion tsikl Yuklamoq 8500 8500 8500 8500 8500 8500
P kw Yuklamoq 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500
Umumiy yuk 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000

Umumiy va o'rnatish o'lchamlari (mm)

O'lchamlar (mm) O'rnatish o'lchamlari (mm)
A C L H E F D1 D2
Lw28gs-20 / 04-1 M1 □ 48 43 42 33 36 36 ph8.5 ph4,5
Lw28gs-20 / 04-2 M2 □ 64 43 43 42 48 48 ph10 ph4,5
Lw28gs-25 / 04-1 M1 □ 48 45.2 50 33 36 36 ph8.5 ph4,5
Lw28gs-25 / 04-2 M2 □ 64 45.2 51 42 48 48 ph10 ph4,5
Lw28gs-32 / 04-2 M2 □ 64 58 55 42 48 48 ph10 ph4,5
Lw28gs-32 / 04-3 M3 □ 88 58 55 52 68 68 ph13 ph6
Lw28gs-63/04-2 M2 □ 64 66 72.5 42 48 48 ph10 ph4,5
Lw28gs-63/04-3 M3 □ 88 66 72.5 52 68 68 ph13 ph6
Lw28gs-125 / 04-3 M3 □ 88 84 88 52 68 68 ph13 ph6
Lw28gs-160 / 04-3 M3 □ 88 88 100 52 68 68 ph13 ph6
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