Blloqe terminale jxb
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Blloqe terminale jxb
  • Blloqe terminale jxb
  • Blloqe terminale jxb
  • Blloqe terminale jxb
  • Blloqe terminale jxb

Blloqe terminale jxb

Blloqe terminale jxb

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Detajet e produktit


Lidhës terminal i serive JXB

Lloj Tela e fortë (mm2) Tel i butë
Tel i butë me
terminal tubi
I vlerësuar
I vlerësuar
JXB-2.5/35 0,5-6 1.5-4 0,5-2.5 24 800 6 x40 x38.5
JXB-4/35 0,5-6 1.5-4 0,5-4 32 800 65 x42 x52
JXB-6/35 0.5-10 1.5-10 0,5-6 41 800 8 x42 x52
JXB-10/35 1.5-16 1.5-16 0.5-10 57 800 10 x42 x52
JXB-16/35 2.5-16 2.5-16 4-16 76 800 12 x42 x52
JXB-35/35 6-35 10-35 10-35 125 800 18 x50 x63.5
JXB-70/35 10-70 10-70 10-70 192 800 22 x75 x87
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  • Cino
  • Cino2025-03-27 08:21:26
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