MCCB stands for “Molded Case Circuit Breaker.” It is a type of circuit breaker that is commonly used in electrical distribution systems to protect electrical circuits from overcurrents, short circuits, and other electrical faults. MCCBs are designed to interrupt the electrical current flow when a fault occurs, thereby preventing damage to the circuit and the connected equipment. They are called “molded case” circuit breakers because their enclosures are typically made of a molded insulating material, such as plastic or thermosetting resin. MCCBs are widely used in various applications, including residential, commercial, and industrial electrical systems. They offer features such as adjustable trip settings, thermal and magnetic trip mechanisms, and are available in different current ratings to suit specific electrical load requirements.
CNC new updated series YCM3YP MCCB is featured as various functions as:
High segmentation capability
Zero arc
Flame-retardant casing
Comprehensive protection types
LCD panel display
Power and energy measurement
Human-machine interaction
Event logging
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Post time: Sep-26-2023