SG (b) 10 Whakawhiti-momo-momo
  • He tirohanga hua

  • Taipitopito Hua

  • Tikiake raraunga

  • Ngā hua e pā ana

SG (b) 10 Whakawhiti-momo-momo
  • SG (b) 10 Whakawhiti-momo-momo
  • SG (b) 10 Whakawhiti-momo-momo

SG (b) 10 Whakawhiti-momo-momo

1. Te tiakitanga o te tiaki
2.. Te tiakitanga porowhita poto
3. Whakahaere
4. Whakamahia i roto i te whare noho, te whare kore-noho, te ahumahi ahuwhenua me te hanganga.
5. E ai ki te momo o te tuku ohorere i enei e whai ake nei: Momo B (3-5) LN, Momo C (5-10) LN, Momo D (10-20) L

Whakapā mai

Taipitopito Hua

SG (b) 10 te whakauru i te toru-momo momo-momo

Ko te miihini kore-kore e whaaia e toru-waahanga e tohu ana i te punaha whakaurutanga o te ULOMEx, me te penapena haumaru, he kaha, he arai, he whakapaunga tere me te pena. He pai ake te hoahoa, te hanganga whaitake, te ahua huatau, me ona

Ko te taupū mahi matua he pai ake ki te paerewa whare, penei i te taumata o te kaipuke, kaore e utaina, te haruru me te kaha o te moana

Te āheinga me te kawenga teitei, pēnei i te piki teitei, te taunga rererangi, te papa hiko, te papa hiko, te whare pupuri hiko, te raima hiko



Nga tikanga whakahaere

1. Te pāmahana o te pāmahana: -50 ℃ ~ + 50 ℃.

2. Te teitei: ≤1000m.




Ko te tuku, kaore hoki he mahinga crack ka kitea i roto i te ao katoa, ka tiakina tona taumata rite ki te timatanga.


3. Flame Te aukati i te mura, te flameproof, Nontoxic, te huri ake, te ahi, te ahi.

4. Ka pau te BG (B) 10 kaiwhakatere i te pāmahana nui me te whakatuwhera i te ahi, tata kaore he kino o te harakeke i whakaputaina. 5

6 I te mea ko tenei momo whakaurutanga he ngawari, kaore ano kia pakeke, ka taea te uta i te

kotahi i raro i te ± 50 ℃.

SG (b) 10 raupapa o te COIL-kore-kore e whaaia ana e toru nga waahanga Transform Tikanga Hangarau Hangarau



3. Tohu o te roopu roopu: YYN0, DYN11 ranei.

Kore-kawenga ngaro (w) Utaina te ngaro (W) (145 ℃) Kore-kawenga o naianei (%) Taumata Sound (LPA) DB Porotaka poto
Paerewa Whakauru Paerewa Motu Paerewa Whakauru Paerewa Motu Paerewa Whakauru Paerewa Motu Paerewa Whakauru Paerewa Motu
SG (b) 10-100 / 10 405 510 1880 2550 2.4 2.4 40 55 4 590
SG (b) 10-160 / 10 560 700 2550 3650 2 2 42 58 4 870
SG (b) 10-200 / 10 660 820 3100 4680 2 2 42 58 4 970
SG (b) 10-250 / 10 760 950 3600 5500 1.8 2 44 58 4 1160
SG (b) 10-315 / 10 880 1100 4600 6600 1.8 1.8 46 60 4 1350
SG (b) 10-400 / 10 1040 1300 5400 7800 1.8 1.8 46 60 4 1580
SG (B) 10-500 / 10 1200 1500 6600 9350 1.8 1.8 47 62 4 1830
SG (B) 10-630 / 10 1340 1680 7900 11500 1.6 1.6 47 62 6 2060
SG (b) 10-800 / 10 1690 2120 9500 13600 1.3 1.6 48 63 6 2450
SG (b) 10-1000 / 10 1980 2480 11400 15700 1.3 1.4 48 63 6 2910
SG (b) 10-1250 / 10 2380 2980 12500 18400 1.3 1.4 49 65 6 3190
SG (b) 10-1600 / 10 2730 3420 13900 21300 1.3 1.4 50 66 6 4160
SG (b) 10-2000 / 10 3320 4150 17500 15000 1.2 1.2 50 66 6 4860
SG (b) 10-2500 / 10 4000 5000 20300 29100 1.2 1.2 51 67 6 5860

Rarangi Raarangi Rahi

Tauira me te kaha
Momo kore-kapi
(kahore he paruru paru)
m n Momo kore-kapi
(kahore he paruru paru)
m n
SG (b) 10-100 / 10 940 920 500 660 400 1340 1150 800 660 400
SG (b) 10-160 / 10 940 960 500 660 400 1340 1150 800 660 400
SG (b) 10-200 / 10 1100 1050 550 660 450 1500 1280 900 660 450
SG (b) 10-250 / 10 1120 1120 550 660 450 1500 1280 900 660 450
SG (b) 10-315 / 10 1190 1210 860 660 660 1700 1460 1000 660 660
SG (b) 10-400 / 10 1300 1330 860 820 660 1700 1460 1000 820 660
SG (B) 10-500 / 10 1330 1410 860 820 660 1900 1610 1000 820 660
SG (B) 10-630 / 10 1450 1365 860 820 660 1900 1610 1000 820 660
SG (b) 10-800 / 10 1500 1480 1020 820 820 2000 1770 1100 820 820
SG (b) 10-1000 / 10 1590 1570 1020 820 820 2000 1770 1100 820 820
SG (b) 10-1250 / 10 1610 1700 1270 1070 1070 2100 2130 1270 1070 1070
SG (b) 10-1600 / 10 1660 1770 1270 1070 1070 2100 2130 1270 1070 1070
SG (b) 10-2000 / 10 1700 1930 1270 1070 1070 2100 2130 1270 1070 1070

FAKATOKANGA: Ko nga rahinga me nga taumahatanga e whakaratohia ana hei tohutoro mo te hoahoa me te kowhiringa.

Ko te rahi o te rahinga me te taumaha kei raro i a maatau tuhinga whakaari.

Te nuinga me te piki i nga rahinga (MM)

Te rahi o te SG (B) 10-100 ~ 400KVA quing of sg (b) 10-500 ~ 2500kva


FAKATOKANGA: Ko nga inenga o te whakaaturanga me te rahi o te taatai ​​i te paparanga e hipoki ana i te raarangi he tohu anake.

Nau mai ki te whakapā atu ki a maatau mo nga rahi tika

Ko te raarangi o te raarangi paerewa paparanga o te paparanga paerewa i waho o te SG (B) 10 Patohia te Tranford Powerform


Ko te raarangi o te tuhinga IP20 o te SG (B) 10 Patohia te Tranformer Poutāpeta kore-whakauru (HS1)


Ko te raarangi o te tuhinga IP20 o te SG (B) 10 Patohia te Tranforr Mana Kore-Hapori (HS2)


Ko te raarangi o te tuhinga IP20 o te SG (B) 10 Patohia te Tranformer Poutāpeta-kore (HS3)


Tuhinga o mua






Tuhia to panui i konei ka tukuna mai ki a maatau

Ngā hua e pā ana