YCM7, YCM7RT, YCM7T/A, YCM7RE series circuit breaker is a new generation of breaker. This breaker is applied for the distribution network of AC 50Hz, rated insulation voltage 800V, rated working current up to 800A, which is for electric energy distribution, circuit protection, protection power supply facility from destroying by the fault of overloading, short circuit and undervoltage, meanwhile it is also used for protection from unfrequent starting, over loading, short circuit and undervoltage of the motor.
1.Protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents
2.Protection against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct contacts
3.Protection against fire hazard caused byinsulation faults
4.Controlling and Switching
5.Used in residential building,non-residential building,energysources,industryand infrastructure
The YCB9-80 series miniaturecircuit breakerare suitable forovercurrent protection ofbuilding line facilities and similar purposes in AC50/60Hz,ratedvoltage 230V/400M,rated current up to 80Acircuits.They have isolation,oveload,andshort circuit protectionfunctions,and can also be used forinfrequentoperationandswitching oflines undernormal dircumstances.Gircuit breakersaresuitable for various places suchas industrycommerce,high-rise buildings,and residential buildings.
Standard:IEC/EN 60898-1
1.Overload protection
2.Short circuit protection
4.Used in residential building,non-residential building,energy source industry and infrastructure
5.According to thetypeof instantaneous releaseclassified as follows:type B(3-5)In,type C(5-10)In
1.Protection against overloadand short-circuit currents
2.Protection against the effects of sinusoidalalternatingearthfault currents
3.Protection against indirect contacts andadditional protection against direct contacts.
4.Protectionagainst fire hazard causedby insulation faults
5.Usedin residential building
6.According to the type of instantaneousrelease dassified as follows:type B(3-5)In,type C(5-10)In,type D(10-20)In
1.Protection against overloadandshort-circuit currents
2.Protection against the effects of sinusoidalalternating earth fault currents
3.Protection againstindirect contacts and additional protection against directcontacts.
4.Protection againstfire hazardcausedbyinsulation faults
5.Usedin residential building
6.According tothe type ofinstantaneous releasedassified as follows :type B(3-5)In,type C5-10)In