YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
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YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)
  • YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)

YCM3E Founded Circuit Breaker (Electronic)

Ycm3 series fingitur casus Circuit Breaker, est novum products, cum parva pacto, modularis, princeps confractus, duplex breakpoints, nulla arcens, viridi environmental praesidium.

Apta AC 50Hz, 60Hz, Rated Operating Voltage 690v et inferius Rated Current 125a ad 1600A distribution network, solebat distribuere electrica industria et tutela lineas et potentia copia apparatu ex overlload pericula et undaVoltage deficiendi periculo et undervatione defectum pericula et undavolt

Potest etiam esse sicut a non-crebris conversionem in linea sub normalis condiciones et in rara initium motricium.

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Product Details



YCM3 Series moulded case circuit breaker,is new products,with small compact, modular,high break,double breakpoints,zero arcing,green environmental protection.Suitable for AC 50Hz,60Hz,rated operating voltage 690V and below, ratedcurrent 12.5A to 1600A distributionnetwork,used to distribute electrical energy and protection lines and power supply equipment from overload,short circuit and undervoltage failure Casors.it potest etiam esse ut a non-crebris conversionem lineae sub normalis condiciones et in rara initium motricium.

YCM3 Circuit Breaker aequor cum intelligentes moderatorem tum, quod non solum facit ejus current Novifacta sed etiam concedit praesidium contra ONERO (Long Power.Rs.Rs485 Modbus Modbus, Customers Power.With Modbus Modbus, Customers PowerS485 Modbus, Customers PowerS485 Modbus, Customer, Customers Modbus Modbus, Customers PowerSmwith Modbus, Customers Modbus, Modbus, Customers PowerS485 Modbus, Customers potest eligere Options quod Modbus, Customers potest eligere options Inferfer.Remote Signum: Switching in / Off, Tripping, Turbato & Malfunctional Singal indication.
Remote control:Switching ON/OFF,reset.Remote test:3-phase cuttent &N-pole current,grounding current.Remote adjustment:accept and execute remote command to debug remote control .Tripping unit memory recording function,last three time'tripping records can be well traced.YCM3 circuit breaker also obtains isolationfunction(Can be used as an alternative load switch) Standard:IEC 60947-2.
Operating conditionibus
1.The altitudo de installation site non excedat 2000M;
2,the YCM3 Thermomagmetic genus cum temperatus de circumdatus medium est -5 ℃ ~ + XL ℃, et mediocris temperatus de XXIV h non plus quam + XXXV ℃ non excedunt humiditas aere ad + a superiori humiditas non excedat caliditas ad mensem non excedat + XXV ℃ ad mediocris de mense ad maximum relative humiditas non plus XC% et condensationem super superficiem ex productum ex temperatus mutationes consideretur.
3.YCM3 intellente typus cum temperatus in circuitu medium est - XL ℃ + LXXX ℃.
4.The productum est in non-explosivae ancipitia media et media non satis ad corrde metalla et perdere insulating vapores et conductve pulvis.
5.In loca ubi pluvia tutela et non aquam vapor.
6.The installation genus est classiⅲ.
7.thepollution gradu est planum III.
8.The Basic Installation De Circuit Breaker est verticalis (ie vertical) vel horizontali (iehorizontal).
9.The advenientis linea aut sursum linea vel in linea.
10.circuit spekers potest dividitur in fixum et obturaculum, in genera.

Circuit Breaker Donec Occasus sunt ostensum est in mensa I














unum magneticam

Y cm3ma-C y cm3ma-CLX y cm3ma-CCL y cm3ma-CD y cm3ma-DCXXX















T / A:

ONERO Novifacta

Y CM3T / A-C y CM3T / A-CLX y CM3T / A-CCL


(0.8 ~ I) in













RT: ONERO + Short Circuit Populus

CM3RT y-CCL (CC ~ 250a)

(0.8 ~ I) in








(V ~ X) in





Y cm3rt-CD y cm3rt, DCXXX

(0.7 ~ I) In





E (2.0E):

Electronic 2.0e


Y cm3e-C 2.0e y cm3e-CLX 2.0e y cm3e-CCL 2.0e y cm3e-CD 2.0e y cm3e-DCXXX 2.0E



(0.4 ~ I) in







(1.5 ~ X) LR




















Y cm3e-MCCL 2.0e y cm3e-MDC 2.0e


(0.4 ~ I) in


0,5 ~ 24s


(1.5 ~ X) LR







E (3.0E):

Electronic 3.0E

Y cm3e-C 3.0E y cm3e-CLX 3.0E y cm3e-CCL 3.0E

Y CM3E-CD 3.0E y CM3E-DCXXX 3.0E



(0.4 ~ I) in



0,5 ~ I 2s



(1.5 ~ XII) LR



0,1s ~ 0.4s



(II ~ XV) in



(XX% ~ C%) in





Y cm3e-MCCL 3.0E y CM3E-MDC 3.0E


(0.4 ~ I) in


0,5 ~ 24s


(1.5 ~ X) LR


0,1s ~ 0.4s


(II ~ XV) in






Y: LCD Display, Current Type

Y v: LCD ostentationem, voltage type

Y P: LCD ostentationem, Powerertype

Y cm3yy V, y p) -100

Y CM3Y (YV, y p) -160 y CM3Y (YV, y p) -250 y CM3Y (YV, y p) -400 y cm3yy,Y p) -630



(0.4 ~ I) in



0,5 ~ I 2s



(1.5 ~ XII) LR



OS ~ 0.4s



(II ~ XV) in



(XX% ~ C%) in



OS ~ 0.4s


Y cm3yy V, y p) -1250 y cm3yy v: y p) -1600


(0.4 ~ I) in


0,5 ~ 24s


(1.5 ~ XII) LR


OS ~ 0.4s


(II ~ XV) in


(XX% ~ C%) in


OS ~ 0.4s

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