ZW8-12Outdoor MV Wacuum Circuit Breaker est maxime propter AC 50Hz, voltage 10-12kv tres Phase potentiae ratio, usus est ad praevaricationem et dosing switch protector et lupundis et shreating commeature et in usura et ARRESTOR SUMITAS et etc.
C potest instructi potentia electronicspt pro brevi distantiam remote potestate potest instructi dual Powersupply automatic Switching fabrica potest instruere cum intelligentautomatic recloser potest instructi cum prepayment meter
Latin: IEC 62271-100
ZW7-40.5 Outdoor Medium-Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaker Est Athree-Phase AC 50HZoutdor High-Voltage Electrical Equipment Tis idoneam et Distribution Systems, quod potest esse in Sectionum, hoc productum potest esse et potest esse in Switched Bank, hoc productum potest esse in potestate et intelligentes, quod productum potest esse cum intelligentes sectioning et redolendo potestate potestate System.a current Transformer potest addidit ad measurement et protection.The circulum circuitus rupta instructa cum fons et electro actuum, cum certa mechanica perficientur et crebris et CREPITUS
FZN25, FZRN25 Vacuum Lond SWITCH COMPOSITIS, idoneam tres-phase AC 50Hz circulum Network vel Terminal Power Supple et Close Close Close Current, non-onus et Close Close Close Current Current: Non-onus Circuit Close Current Current Current
Et Fzw28-12 Outdoor Sectionalizer vacuum Litteras instructa Vitsalizer Deprehensio, praesidium, imperium et communicationis munera, quae potest autonomoly segregare unam-ad-tempus brevis, automatically segregare phase-advenientis finem, et automatically segregare Distribution-advenientis finem, quod automaticibus 10kv distribution-advenientis, ut in Circuit finem 10kv Distribution lineas et posset ad Withbranching lineae et Nabu Press
FZW32-12 (40.5)outdoor MV isolatingvacuum load switch is a newtype of load switchwhich is the integration of mature experience of domestic existingload switch and advancedtechnology design of external.This load switch is composedof isolating switch,vacuum interupter and operating mechanism and other parts.By using the principle ofvacuum interrupter,with strong arcing facultatem, reliaberformance, diu muneris vitae, parva volumine, nulla CREPITUS periculo, nullus pollutio et cetera commodius potest esse in tradenda et distribution ofelectric potestate, metallgy apparatu, praesertim idoneam et alias in potestate apparatu, praesertim idoneam et alias in potestate apparatu, praesertim idoneam et alias operationem, maxime idoneam et alias operationem
GN19-12 indoor MV isolation switch series MVswitch equipment used for rated voltage 10kY,AC 50Hz and below power system,equipped with CS6-1 type manual operating mechanism,open,close the circuit in the case of no load,voltaged.There arederivatives such as anti pollution,highprototype andadded chargeddisplay devicetype,etc.
Et GW9-10G de velit MV Isolator Switch est princeps voltage SWITCH PHASTER AC50HZ.The Product issuitable pro potestate Ratio cum rated voltage 10kv facere aut confractus potentia copia sub fortuna cum voltage Andnomload.
C et Isolatorem adoptat isOardrodto agunt.
Latin: IEC60129