ZN23-40.5 MV vacuum circuit breaker is indoor MV distribution device ofthree-phase AC 50Hz,rated voltage 40.5kV,can be matched with JYN35/GBC-35 type switchcabinet.Suitablefor control and protection in power plant,substation and power dstribution system,especially suitable for frequent operation places.The vacuum circuit breaker is handcart type,withreasonable Structure, convenient sustentationem, salvum Anstreliakialeuse
FN7-12R (L) AC MV Load Switch in 50Hz, 12kv Tres Phase AC Power Ratio
FN7-12R(L)series vacum circuit breaker is indoor high voltage switch-gearwith rated voltage 12kV,three-phase AC 50Hz,which is developed by introducing from Switzerland,ABB corporation technology and analyzing domestic professiondevelopment condition,productivity development manufacture product.The overaltructure of this product is formed with theswitch mainbody and operating device,uses the compound insulation structuram, non habent pollutio et explosionhazard, et in Vestibulum campester est High.This operating fabrica de series productum est ad fonti onustum genus, can utor theolectrically operated operatio, etiam potest uti manualoperationc vexillum, 60265-1, IEC62271-105.
Operating conditionibus
1.Suitable ad environments cum superius Limitof XL ℃ et lowerlimit de -30 ℃
2.Altitude NoteXCookeding 1000M, Ventus celeritate non excedentia 35M / s
3.FUSESESARINNOTENTRINT idoneus Forthefollowing Locations
3.1 loca cum cibus aut CREPITUS discrimina.
3.2 locis cum gravibus vibrationis vel impulsum.
3,3 areas cum abnormes electroymical Gas effectus et severus Airpollution et Fumus
Et zine cadmiae Arresster est Motery super-voltage protector in mundo, debitum ad Risistordisc de Core componetmainy adopt Zine arensibus arress.Capared cum conventioni Silicon Carbide ArtroductRared in Volt Volt, Volt in-Volt, in-Curronos Rustycapability in-Voltage Itaque cum tibus Arrad-Iticalchangesforthe characteres in arto.
Technical notitia
1.standard: GB1207-2006 VOLTage Verto
2.technical parameterform
3.The creatu de productum superficiem complyfith gradu ll ofpollution.
4.Other technica parametri placuerit in tabellabelow