Hywz Surge Arresser
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Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser
  • Hywz Surge Arresser

Hywz Surge Arresser

Et zine cadmiae Arresster est Motery super-voltage protector in mundo, debitum ad Risistordisc de Core componetmainy adopt Zine arensibus arress.Capared cum conventioni Silicon Carbide ArtroductRared in Volt Volt, Volt in-Volt, in-Curronos Rustycapability in-Voltage Itaque cum tibus Arrad-Iticalchangesforthe characteres in arto.

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Product Details

● et zine cadmiae Arresterissimi est maxime provectus super-voltage protector in mundo; debitum ad facere Risistor discus Core componet maxime adopt Zine zine arrester.com est cum conventional Silicon Carbide Arroteler.com cum Volt, in Vocal Voltyty of Resistics in-Voltage in-Voltage of theepodact Ad tertium Arad-Iticalchanges ad characteres in arto.
● Under the circumstance of normal operating voltage, the current through thearrester is just on microampere degree, When suff-ered from over-voltage, thearrester's excellent nonlinear characteristics will make the current through thearrester incrase to several thousand amperse, while the arrester will be under thecirculating state and release over-voltage energy so as to protecting the powertransmission equipments against the demage caused by th super-voltage.

Operating conditionibus

I. De Aeris ambientium temperaturis non est altior quam + XL ℃, nihil minus, quam -40 ℃;

II. Altitudo supra mare gradu non excedant 1000-2000m (Plateau ares indicatur quando ordinatione);

III. AC Systen Frequency est 50Hz et 60Hz;

IV. De potentia frequency voltage applicantur ad Arresser diu non excedat continuum intentione in arrario;

V. Ventus maximum celeritas non excedat 35m / s;

VI. Et terrae motus intensionem non excedit VII gradus;

VII. Quod sordida area debet esse indicium.


Et cadmiae cadmiae arresster applicantur ad praesidio electrica aequimpent in AC potentia ratio contra damnum exitus a atmosphaeras super-voltage et operational per-voltage.

Technical Euismod

Et technica perficientur de productum confirmat ad GB1132-2000, IEC60099-4, IEEE.C62.11 Latin technica requisita.

Hywz Susise Arrester


Technical notitia

Genus Rating
Arressus rated
Rated voltage
2ms Quadratum
fluctus impetus
Hyws -3.8 / XVII 3 3,8 2.4 7.5 17 19,6 C
Hyws -7.6 / XXX 6 7.6 4 15 30 34,5 C
Hyws -12.7 / L 10 12,7 6.6 26 50 57.5 CL
Hyws17 / L 10 17 13,6 26.5 50 57.5 CL
Hywz-7.6 / XXVII 6 7.6 4 14.5 27 31 CC
Hywz-12.7 / XLV 10 12,7 6.6 24 45 51.8 CC
Hywz-XVII / XLV 10 17 12,7 24 45 51.8 CC
Hywz-XLII / CXXXIV 35 52 40.8 78 CXXXIV CLIV CD
Hy2.5wd, 7.6 / XIX DCV 7.6 4.8 11,5 19 21,9 CC, CD
Hy2.5wd, 12.7 / XXXI 10,5 12,7 6.6 19 31 35.7 CC, CD
Hy2.5wd, 16.7 / XL 13,8 16,7 9 25 40 46 CD
Hy2.5wd-XIX / XLV 15,7 19 10 28.5 45 51.8 CD
Hy5wr, 7.6 / XXVII 6 7.6 4.8 13,8 27 20.8 CD
Hy5wr, 12.7 / XLV 10 12,7 6.6 23 45 35 CD
Hy5wr-XLII / CXXXIV 35 52 23.4 73 CXXXIV CV CD


Tolle Hy5ws-XVII / L in exemplum, h-compositis tunica in organismo; y-metallorum oxide fulgur arrester; V, in signum vocat ad conversus in

electricity in electrica current (KV); W, thew intelliguntur ut non CLEFTHE C significat constituere ad foramine; S-the s significat ut simul

cum electricity; Z electricity stat; D Electrical ipsum genus; R Electric Capacity Type XVII, avoiding tonitrui sum insidiaberis electrica voltage (KV) 50-

Mark vocat ad conversus in electricity electrica current imo maximus torcular (KV).

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