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CJX2-D series AC Contactor is suitable for using in the circuits of rated voltage up to660V AC 50Hz or 60Hz,rated current up to 95A,for making,breaking,frequentlystarting &controlling the AC motor.Combined with the auxiliary contact block,timer delay &machine-interlocking device etc,it becomes the delay contactor,mechanical interlocking contactor,star-delta starter.With the thermal Nullam, quod Iscalbined in electro starter.
Latin: IEC 60947-4-1.
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CJX2 Series AC Contacttor est idoneam ad usura in circuits of rated voltage usque ad 660v ac 50Hz vel 60Hz, rated current usque ad 95a, quia faciens, solveret, saepe incipiens & controlling in AC motricium. Combined cum auxiliaris contactum obstructionum, timor mora & machina-interlocking fabrica etc, quod fit mora contactus, mechanica interlocking contact, stella-Delta starter. Cum scelerisque Nullam, quod est compositae in electro starter. Contactor est produci secundum IEC 60947-4.
Note: III polus est normalis genus, non remotked in genus nomine.
Pic.1 cjx2-09,12,18
Pic. III CJX2-40 ~ XCV
Pic. II CJX2-25,32