LZZBJ18 Transformer ugbu a
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LZZBJ18 Transformer ugbu a
  • LZZBJ18 Transformer ugbu a
  • LZZBJ18 Transformer ugbu a
  • LZZBJ18 Transformer ugbu a
  • LZZBJ18 Transformer ugbu a
  • LZZBJ18 Transformer ugbu a
  • LZZBJ18 Transformer ugbu a
  • LZZBJ18 Transformer ugbu a
  • LZZBJ18 Transformer ugbu a
  • LZZBJ18 Transformer ugbu a
  • LZZBJ18 Transformer ugbu a
  • LZZBJ18 Transformer ugbu a
  • LZZBJ18 Transformer ugbu a

LZZBJ18 Transformer ugbu a

1. Nchebe nchebe
2. Nchedo sekọndrị
3. Na-achịkwa
4. Ejiri ụlọ obibi, ụlọ na-abụghị ebe obibi, ụlọ ọrụ na akụrụngwa.
5. Dabere na ụdị oge a na-egosi na mbụ: pịnye b (3-5) Ln, pịnye c (5-10) LN, pịnye d (10-20) ln

Kpọtụrụ anyị

Nkọwa nke ngwaahịa

● A na-eji usoro a na-enye ihe dị ugbu a bụ ngwa ahịa na teknụzụ dị ugbu a. Usoro nke ngwaahịa a nwere usoro kachasị mma nke Super Super, Super Seck na nkwụsi ike, Nnukwu ikike, ọnụọgụ nke ikuku dị iche iche bụ 2-4, enwere ike ịkọwapụta nke ọma.
● Action: iEC 61869-2.



Nka na ụzụ

1 20KV: 24/65 / 125KV
3. Nke abụọ dị ugbu a: 5a (ma ọ bụ 2a, 1a)
LZZBJ18-10 / 150B / 2

Odide dị ugbu a (a) 1s Igwefoto ugbu a (nke Virtual uru) Gdị ike iguzo ugbu a (ka elu) Nchịkọta izizi (1S / 2S) Ihe ngosi nke abuo (VA)
0.2 0.5 5P15 10p15
20 2 5 0.2 / 05 / 10p10
0.2 / 05 / 5P10
0,5 / 0,5 / 10p10
0.2 / 0.2 / 10P10
0,5 / 0,5 / 5P10
0.2 / 0.2 / 5P10
10 10 15
30 3 7.5
40-50 5.4 13.5
75 8.1 20.2
100 10.8 27
150 16.2 40.5
200 24.3 60.7
300 37.8 94.5
400 48.6 121.5
500 63 150
600-630 63 150 15
800-1000 100 250
1200-1600 110 270
2000 175 425 10

LZZBJ18-10 / 185h / 2

Odide dị ugbu a (a) 1s Igwefoto ugbu a (nke Virtual uru) Gdị ike iguzo ugbu a (ka elu) Nchịkọta izizi (1S / 2S) Ihe ngosi nke abuo (VA)
0.2 0.2 0.5 5P10
10-40 200I th 250i th 0.2 / 0.2
0.2 / 0,5
0.2 / 10p
0,5 / 10p
0.2 / 5P
0,5 / 5p
10 10 15 20 10
50-100 250i th 625i th
150-300 45 100
400-500 100 250
600-1000 6.0 350 15 20 30 15
1200-1600 170 425
2000-3150 240 600

LZZBJ18-10 / 150B / 4

Odide dị ugbu a (a) 1s Igwefoto ugbu a (nke Virtual uru) Gdị ike iguzo ugbu a (ka elu) Nchịkọta izizi (1S / 2S) Ihe ngosi nke abuo (VA)
0.2 0.2 0.5 5P10
20-150 150ith 375ith 0.2 / 0.2
0.2 / 0,5
0,5 / 0,5
0.2 / 10p10
0,5 / 10p10
0,5 / 10p10
10 10 15 15 10
200 36 90
300 45 100
400-500 63 150
600-630 63 150 20 15 10
800-1000 100 250
1200-1600 110 270 15
2000 175 425 10
2500 175 425 15

LZZBJ18-10 / 150B / 4

Odide dị ugbu a (a) 1s Igwefoto ugbu a (nke Virtual uru) Gdị ike iguzo ugbu a (ka elu) Nchịkọta izizi (1S / 2S) Ihe ngosi nke abuo (VA)
0.2 0.2 0.5 5P10
20-150 150ith 375ith 0.2 (s) /0.2 (s)
0,5 / 0,5
0.2 (s) / 10p (5P)
0,5 / 10p (5P)
10 10 15 30 20 15
200 36 90
300 45 100
400-500 63 150
600-630 63 150 15 20 20
800-1000 100 250
1200-1600 110 270
2000 175 425 15 15
2500 175 425

Model Lzzbj18-10 / 185h / 4 Pịnye Ọnọdụ Idobe Ugbu A

Odide dị ugbu a (a) 10-40 50-100 150-300 400-500 600-1000 1200-1600 2000-3150
1s Igwefoto ugbu a (nke Virtual uru) KeobouteI 15 250ith 45 100 6.0 170 240
Gdị ike iguzo ugbu a (ka elu) 500it 625ith 100 250 350 425 600

Model Lzzbj18-10 / 185H / 45h / 4 nke ọkwa ziri ezi ma rụpụta nke abụọ

Nchikota Omuma ezi 10-200 300-600 800-1250A 800-1250A
0.2 (s) 0.2 0.5 10p 10 10p 15 10p 20 0.2 (s) 0.2 0.5 10p 10 10p 15 10p 20 0.2 (s) 0.2 0.5 10p 10 10p 15 10p 20 0.2 (s) 0.2 0.5 10p 10 10p 15 10p 20
0.2 (s) / 10p
0,5 / 10p
0.2 (s) /0.2 (s) /0.5/0.5
10 10 20 40 30 20 10 10 20 40 30 20 10 15 20 60 40 30 10 15 20 60 40 30
0.2 (s) /0.5/10P 10 10 15 30 20 15 10 10 15 40 30 20 10 15 20 50 40 30 10 15 20 50 40 30
0.2 (s) / 10p / 10P
0,5 / 10p / 10P
10 10 15 20 15 10 10 15 30 20 10 15 15 30 20 15 10 15 15 50 30 20
0.2 (s) /0.5/10p/10 10 10 15 15 10 10 15 15 10 15 15 20 15 10 15 15 20 15
0.2 / 0.2 / 0,5 / 10P 10 10 15 15 10 10 15 15 10 15 15 30 20 10 15 15 30 20

Otu na-eji eserese eserese

LZZBJ18-10 / 150B / 150B / 2 (nha ruru AS12 / 150B / 2S)


Lzzbj18-10 / 185h / 2 (nke dị ka12 / 185h / 2s)


Otu Ratio na-eji eserese eserese

LZZBJ18-10 / 150B / 40B / 4 (dakọtara dị ka12 / 150B / 4S)


Lzzbj18-10 / 185H / 4/4 (dakọtara dị ka12 / 185h / 4s)


LZZBJ18-10 otu-winding na-emegharị eletrik

8. 8.6

Dee ozi gị ebe a ma zigara anyị ya

Ngwaahịa metụtara

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  • Cino2025-03-14 01:20:49
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