• Cov Khoom Kub Kub

    Cov Khoom Kub Kub

  • Cov Khoom Siv Kom Zoo

    Cov Khoom Siv Kom Zoo

  • Cov Khoom Tshiab

    Cov Khoom Tshiab

Ycb7rl-100 electromagnetic Rccb

Ycb7rl-100 electromagnetic Rccb

Ib txwm tiv thaiv kev tiv thaiv- Kev sim kom tau txais kev ua haujlwm txawm tias thaum tsaus ntuj lossis hluav taws xob spikes
Hluav Taws & Poob Siab Defense- Ua kom sai ntawm kev txaus ntshai sinusoidal lub ntiaj teb so (> 30ma)
Pes tsawg Electronics- Electromagnetic tripping xyoo tas los, tsis muaj cov laug cam rau hlawv tawm
Kev sib cog thoob ntiaj teb- haum cov vaj huam sib luag cov khw muag khoom, cov khw muag khoom muag, thiab cov chaw ua haujlwm me me
Txij Nkawm

Saib ntxiv

Cov Nta Tseem Ceeb
- Nres hluav taws xob (ncaj qha / tsis ncaj), hluav taws phom sij los ntawm rwb thaiv tsev ua txhaum, thiab tuag tuag
Tsis muaj kev ntseeg tau- neeg kho tshuab tripping system imtime rau voltage hloov pauv, kub, lossis hluav taws xob tsis txaus
Ntse rhiab- Xaiv hom B (3-5 × hauv cov tsev / khoom siv lossis hom c (5-10 × hauv) rau hnyav-diamond machinery
Xoom fais fab yog- Kev khiav tawm yam tsis muaj cov khoom siv, zoo tagnrho rau xwm txheej ceev
Chaw-Ntse Tsim- sab xis-sab n-ncej thiab din-npaj qauv txiav lub sijhawm los ntawm 40%
IEC 61009 ntawv pov thawj | 30MA Kev Ua Neej Kev Ntsuas Kom Tau | 1.2 lab los yog qhov txhab nyiaj

Saib ntxiv


This next-gen residual current breaker masters ALL current types – from household AC to industrial-grade smooth DC and 1kHz high-frequency signals. Zoo meej rau cov circuits nrog inverters, hnub ci nruab, lossis ev kev them nyiaj, nws pom muaj txiaj ntsig zoo heev rau lwm tus tsis muaj peev xwm ua rau lwm tus tsis txaus ntseeg.
Vim li cas nws sawv tawm
5-hauv-1 nrhiav kom tau
EV / Muaj Npaj- Reviersards Revifiers, cov zaus hloov dua siab tshiab, thiab DC-hnyav system (piv txwv li, them cov chaw nres tsheb / of elevorators)
- COUTES Tricky Millosite Hauv Hnub Ci Cov Khoom Siv Kho Mob, Cov Khoom Siv Kho Mob, Thiab Cov Hniav Ntse
Cov lus teb tam sim- mus ncig ua si nyob rau hauv milliseconds los tiv thaiv cov khoom puas lossis hluav taws xob
Universal haum- Hloov ncaj qha rau hom kev ua si

Saib ntxiv
YCB9-125 Circuit Court Tej Me Nyuam

YCB9-125 Circuit Court Tej Me Nyuam

Qhov zoo tagnrho rau kev tiv thaiv kev tiv thaiv hauv HVAC cov tshuab, hnub ci nruab, thiab cov phiaj xwm tseem ceeb.

Saib ntxiv
YCM6 McCB 800a Moulded Npe Circuit Coer

YCM6 McCB 800a Moulded Npe Circuit Coer

Cov ntsiab lus zoo

- mount vertically / kab rov tav nyob rau hauv nruj qhov chaw (22.5 ° tilt kev puas siab)

Smart customization- Kho cov kev tawm tsam zoo li ib tug Pro: Teeb rov qab-sijhawm qeeb lossis ua kom nrawm dua

- Muaj sia nyob nkoj reeg (4G), -5 ° C txog 45 ° Ctruses, thiab 95% av noo

Modular simplicity- Tag nrho cov plhaub qhov ntau thiab tsawg nyob thoob plaws S / M Rhuav tshem tau (tsis muaj lub luag haujlwm hloov kho)

Saib ntxiv
YCW3 Cua Circuit Court Breaker

YCW3 Cua Circuit Court Breaker

Qhov kev lag luam ACB-qib-qib -V nyab xeeb 400V / 69z, txog 6300A) nrog precuit overload, thiab lub ntiaj teb txhaum kev tiv thaiv. Designed for mega-scale power distribution in factories, data centers, and renewable plants, its modular intelligence adapts to grids as dynamic as your operations.
Cov ntsiab lus zoo
Unmatched Scalability- 5 Ncej Qhov Coob (200A-6300A) Haum txhua yam los ntawm cov zaub me me rau hyperscale grids
Hlav + Nyob Combo- Xaiv cov tswj hwm: m-hom (LCD DCAGOSSICS) lossis H-hom (iot-npaj nrog modbus)
Agility agility- Taag / Drawout Cov Qauv Mount Vertically / Kab rov tav - zoo meej rau cov Cramped hloov
Lub Luag Haujlwm-tseem ceeb ntseeg tau
Yav Tom Ntej-Ntawv Pov Thawj Hloov Kho- Ntxiv Apts Auto-Transpuct lossis Ct-Neutring yam tsis muaj hloov lwm yam

Saib ntxiv


Chaw Tig Rov Qab- 120-630Xa Qauv Nyob 1/3 tsawg dua kev tsheb ciav hlau (tagnrho rau hnub ci sib txuas lub thawv / Ev Charging Hubs)

Nqaij & Precision- IEC 60947-4-1 Muaj ntawv pov thawj, Tuam Tsev 100,000+ lub cev muaj zog pib (los ntawm Conveyor Belts rau HVAC compressors)

Thermal tag pab- Cov khub uas sib khi nrog ntau dhau kev nce mus tiv thaiv kev hlawv cov kev cob qhia lossis cov chav twj nqus dej ultras

Ntiaj teb voltage haum

Nqi Saver-40% me dua= 30% qis dua txee cov nqi rau ib kw tswj

Saib ntxiv
YCB1000 Ntau zaus zaus tsav tsheb1

YCB1000 Ntau zaus zaus tsav tsheb1

This industrial-grade VFD masters sensorless vector control to optimize motors in extreme conditions – from coal mine ventilators to oilfield pumps. Nrog 180% ntau dhau qhov muaj peev xwm thiab kev tiv thaiv kev cuam tshuam, nws txiav cov khib nyiab pov tseg thaum muaj plua plav plua plav, kub, thiab hluav taws xob kub.

Vim li cas nws ua haujlwm

Tsawg-zaus tsiaj nyaum- 0.5hz torque boosts ua kom conveyors / mixers khiav zoo ntawm 10% ceev

Kho tus kheej ntse- pib kho V / f nkhaus kom txuag tau 15-40% Zog vs tsau cov tshuab ceev

Plug & Ua Si- Ua-hauv PLC MetSs 8-theem nrawm (Tsis pub muaj sab nraud tswj hwm)

Iot-npaj- RS485 / MODBUS cia cov engineers soj ntsuam Twj Noj Noj Qab Los Ntawm Chav Tswj

Tsis zoo li cov lus tseem ceeb ntawm VFDs, peb SVPWM Tech Sloashes lub suab nrov lub cev muaj zog los ntawm 60%

Saib ntxiv
Ych8dc DC rho tawm hloov 1500V

Ych8dc DC rho tawm hloov 1500V

Tub Ntxhais Nrauv

Polarity-Dawb Tsim- xaim cov kev taw qhia (zoo tagnrho rau kev ua haujlwm DC lub npav)

Qhov rai kom muaj kev nyab xeeb- Qhov taw qhia-hauv-lub-tsaus breakpoint qhia tias 100% de-energation ua ntej txij nkawm

Suab puam-rau-hiav txwv nyuaj- Muaj sia nyob 70 ° C rhaub, -40 ° C freezes, thiab ntug dej hiav txwv ntsev tsuag tshuaj tsuag (3 x corrosion-pov thawj)

Chaw Warrior- 30% me dua cov neeg sib tw, haum 800a hwj chim hauv kev tshem tawm cov khoom lag luam

Saib ntxiv
YCK cua txias hu cuag

YCK cua txias hu cuag

Tub Ntxhais Nrauv

Polarity-Dawb Tsim- xaim cov kev taw qhia (zoo tagnrho rau kev ua haujlwm DC lub npav)

Qhov rai kom muaj kev nyab xeeb- Qhov taw qhia-hauv-lub-tsaus breakpoint qhia tias 100% de-energation ua ntej txij nkawm

Suab puam-rau-hiav txwv nyuaj- Muaj sia nyob 70 ° C rhaub, -40 ° C freezes, thiab ntug dej hiav txwv ntsev tsuag tshuaj tsuag (3 x corrosion-pov thawj)

Chaw Warrior- 30% me dua cov neeg sib tw, haum 800a hwj chim hauv kev tshem tawm cov khoom lag luam

Saib ntxiv
Lub cev muaj zog tiv thaiv hluav taws xob breaker hloov mus YCP7 2

Lub cev muaj zog tiv thaiv hluav taws xob breaker hloov mus YCP7 2

Qhov chaw ua haujlwm muaj zog no lub cev muaj zog Built to thrive in dusty workshops, vibrating conveyors, and -5°C freezer rooms, it combines protection, control, and isolation in one rugged DIN-rail package.

Cov Nta Tseem Ceeb

Kev tiv thaiv peb txoj kev hem- Nres overloads (150% rau 2hrs), theem poob (0.1s txiav), thiab ci luv

Huab Cua Wart Warrior- Ua kom muaj kev cog lus flawlessly los ntawm -5 ° C lub freezer nroj tsuag rau 40 ° C boils chav ntawm 95% av noo

Chaw-txuag 2-hauv-1- Built-in cais cais tshem tawm cov lus cais ntxiv chreg modules, in vaj huam sib luag tsis pub dawb rau iot sensors

Kev co zog tiv thaiv- Tiv Thaiv 4G co (zoo rau kev tsuas crushers / Rais nkoj tawm)

10-thib ob teeb tsa- Qiv tam sim no hu ua kev hloov kho yam tsis muaj cov cuab yeej lossis kev cob qhia txuj ci

Saib ntxiv
  • Txoj moo
  • Blog

Ntawm no coj ua ke cov kws tshaj lij thiab tshaj tawm los ntawm ntau yam kev lag luam thiab teb muab rau koj cov ncauj lus kom ntxaws thiab tshuaj xyuas. Nyob zoo rau peb cov kev hloov tshiab thiab tsis txhob nco tawm ntawm cov ntawv ceeb toom thiab kev sib tham!

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  • TOP 10 Circuit Court Breaker Manufacturers
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  • RCCB Hluav Taws Xob Nqe
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  • Zoo tshaj Rccb rau Tsev
    A Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) is a lifesaving device that detects leakage currents and cuts off power within milliseconds, preventing electric shocks and fires. Txawm hais tias koj tau kho koj lub tsev lossis kev txhim kho hluav taws xob, xaiv qhov zoo tshaj RCCB rau kev siv hauv tsev yog qhov tseem ceeb. Ntawm no yog ...
  • Circuit Court Zoo Tshaj Plaws
    Tej yam me me Circuit Court breaker breaker (MCB) yog cov khoom siv hluav taws xob tseem ceeb uas tiv thaiv kev ncig los ntawm overloads thiab luv voj voog. Tsis zoo li fuses, mcbs tuaj yeem rov pib dua, ua rau lawv raug nqi rau tsev, chaw haujlwm, thiab kev siv khoom lag luam. Tab sis muaj ntau hom thiab cov hom muaj, koj yuav xaiv ...
  • Puas yog hom teeb meem rau cov cawv?
    Circuit breakers – whether miniature circuit breakers (MCBs) for homes or industrial-grade models – protect your electrical system from fires and damage. Tab sis puas yog Breaker hom ntawm daim ntawv lo tiag tiag ua qhov sib txawv? Lo lus teb: Nws nyob. Cia peb tawg thaum muaj teeb meem, thaum nws tsis, ...