YCM3 Series moulded case circuit breaker,is new products,with small compact, modular,high break,double breakpoints,zero arcing,green environmental protection.
Suitable for AC 50Hz,60Hz,rated operating voltage 690V and below, rated current 125A to 1600A distribution network,used to distribute electrical energy and protection lines and power supply equipment from overload,short circuit and undervoltage failure hazards.
It can also be used as a non-frequent conversion of the line under normal conditions and in the infrequent start of the motor.
SSR-3 Solid State Rela
Unique magneic arc extinguishing design with1500V cut-off function Unique contact structurewith higher surge resistance and current tolerance. Environmentally friendly products (RoHS compliant). Load connecton without polarity.
Unique anti short circuit structure,Short circuit resistance:20A~40A:/;60A~100A24000A; 150A-1000A:28000A.
High and low voltage withstand voltageabove 4000V.
The coil connections are all non-polar(60A-100A).The coi can be energy-saving,and the energy-saving coil is connected with polarity(150A-1000A).
The YCQD 7 series intelligent integrated star delta starter ( here in after referred to as the starter ) is suitable for three – phase squirrel cage induction motors with AC 5 0 Hz , rated voltage of 3 8 0 V / 4 0 0 V , and rated working current of up to 1 1 0 A ( phase current when the starter is delta connected ) , controlling power up to 9 0 kW . It is used to control the start , operation , and stop of the stator winding from star to de lta co nve rs io n , i n o rde r to red uce the i m pact of sta rti ng c u rre nt a nd moto r sta rti ng o n the t ra ns m iss io n netwo rk .
The starter adopts a modular design and integrated structure , integrating contact or s , intelligent co nt ro lle rs , a nd a ux ilia ry co ntacts . The i nte llige nt co nt ro lle r ca n a uto matica lly co nt ro l the starter to run according to the predetermined program , there by completing the star delta starting of the motor .
The YCFK intelligent capacitor switching device uses thyristor switch and magnetic holding switch in parallel operation.
It has the advantage of controllable silicon zero-crossing switch at the moment of connection and disconnection, and zero power consumption of the mag- netic holding switch during normal connection.
Unique magneic arc extinguishing design with1500V cut-off function Unique contact structurewith higher surge resistance and current tolerance. Environmentally friendly products (RoHS compliant). Load connecton without polarity.
Unique anti short circuit structure,Short circuit resistance:20A~40A:/;60A~100A24000A; 150A-1000A:28000A.
High and low voltage withstand voltageabove 4000V.
The coil connections are all non-polar(60A-100A).The coi can be energy-saving,and the energy-saving coil is connected with polarity(150A-1000A).
1.To prevent electric shock,the power must be off when wiring isto be carried out
2.Wiring shall be arranged directly according to ports. Please confirm whether allconnections are correct.
3.Use drag steering.
4.To reduce electromagnetic interference to electrical wires,
equipment and wires shall be connected in suitable range with same size for shortest connection.
5.Wiring layout shall be away from any internal electromagnetic nterference source.
6.The cross section of wires connecting power must be 0.5mm2-2.5mm2(20-14AWG;75℃(min)).And the current load of the wires shall be 6A.
7.Copper wire (standard or single core cable)can be used.
8.Before testing the equipment,please test the voltage and confirm whether it isproper
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