LRS-250 Switching Power Supply
D11 is the product of introducing foreign advanced technology development, small volume ,most secure and reliable performance, it’s a load breaker switch that suitable for ventilation, air conditioning and water pump system, and industrial equipment switch use for insulation and security isolation, equivalent foreign KG20-KG100 load breaker switch.
1.Protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents
2.Protection against indirectcontacts and additional protection against direct contacts
3.Protection against fire hazard caused byinsulation faults
4.Controlling and Switching
5.Used in residential building,non-residential building,energy sources,industry and infrastructure
1.Protetion against overloadand shortdrcuitourrents
2.Protection against the effects of sinusoidal altematingearth fault ourments
3.Protection against indrectcontacts and additional protertion against drectcontacts
4.Protectionagainst fire hazard caused byinsulationfaults
5.Used in reidential bulding
6.Acordngto the typeof instantaneous releasedassified as follows :type B3-5in,typeCβ-10)In,type D(10-20)ln
The YCB7-63N series miniature circuit breaker are suitable for overcurrent protection building line facilities and similar purposes in AC 50/60Hz, rated voltage 230V/400V,
1.Protection against overload and short-circuit currents
2.Protection against the effects ofsinusoidal alternating earthfault currents
3.Protection against indirectcontacts and additional protection against direct contacts.
4.Protection against fire hazard caused by insulation faults
5.Used in residential building
6.According tothe type of instantaneous release classified as follows:type B(3-5)In,type C(5-10)In,type D(10-20)In
ZN23-40.5 MV vacuum circuit breaker is indoor MV distribution device ofthree-phase AC 50Hz,rated voltage 40.5kV,can be matched with JYN35/GBC-35 type switchcabinet.Suitablefor control and protection in power plant,substation and power dstribution system,especially suitable for frequent operation places.The vacuum circuit breaker is handcart type,withreasonable structure,convenient maintenance,safe andreliableuse
1. Overload protection
2. Short circuit protection
3. Controlling
4. Used in residential building, non-residential building, energy source industry and infrastructure.
1. Personnel and fire protection
2. Cable and line protection against overload and short-circuits.
1. I∆n ≤ 30 mA: additional protection in the case of direct contact.
2. I∆n ≤300 mA: preventative fire protection in the case of ground fault currents.
3. AC class – Tripping is ensured for sinusoidal, alternating currents, whether they be quickly applied or slowly increase.